
Sunday, February 13, 2011

monkey business

Lot's of Monkey business been going on here!

and not a lot of furniture painting

I have been shopping, eating,
and being a Grandma.
The best
part of life!

Speaking of Monkey Business, look at this monkey. . .

Absolutely adorable. My mother-in-law is 81 and very very talented. She has the energy of an energizer bunny!  She is not rocking in a rocking chair just yet.  She has a craft booth at the Quilted Bear - can you beat that!  She uses a saw to make wood crafts, and she sews aprons, she knits, crochets and cooks!


Her latest project, so stinking cute and hilarious!

The monkey who has been keeping me busy! Every where we went, people loved his new hat!

He did help me organize my ribbon,

check out all the fun creative things here:

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