
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to Paint a Brass Lamp

Brass Lamps
a simple update

 Not so Bad, but as my decor has changed, they don't fit in. So here are the steps to painting a brass lamp:

I use a painters canvas.  If you don't have one, use a shower curtain from the dollar store.
I have wipes on hand at all times, It comes in handy for drips, to clean things before I paint, and to wipe the paint off my hands!

I taped off the bulb socket and the cord. I wrapped the cord in an elastic and put it in a baggie. I also put a baggie on the bulb socket.

 I wiped the lamp down with a wipe. It cleans, doesn't leave a residue and it drys fast.

I Glazed it with Valspar Asphaltum Antiquing glaze    [it's black]  I used a brush to get into all the nooks and crannies.

I had a dry and a wet rag on hand.  After I brushed the glaze on in sections.  I would wipe it off with a dry rag, and then take more off with a wet rag.  This glaze gives you some time to decide if you want to take some more off.  On this lamp, at first I only left the glaze only in the nooks and crannies. Then I decided I wanted to add a little more.

  Added a new lamps shade from Lowe's

I used Valspar baby blue spray paint.

Doesn't look like the same Lamp!

Here are the steps again:

1. Taped off the bulb socket and the cord. I wrapped the cord in an elastic and put it in a baggie. I also put a baggie on the bulb socket.

2. I wiped the lamp down with a wipe. It cleans, doesn't leave a residue and it drys fast.

3. Sprayed the lamp with  Valspar Gray primer.

4. Let the primer dry and then wiped down with a dry cloth. [to make sure there was no dust or overspray.]

5. Sprayed the lamp with a Valspar Baby blue. I turned the lamps upside down and then upright. I wanted to get all the nooks and crannies.

6. Glazed it with Valspar Asphaltum Antiquing glaze    [it's black] 

7. Added a new lamps shade from Lowes

Linked to:

The Brambleberry Cottage
The Shabby Creek Cottage
House of Hepworths
Let Birdz Fly
Coastal Charm
Miss Mustard Seed

1 comment:

  1. Looks good. I have AA few brass lamps, and have been debating if I want to paint them. They were expensive lamps. So, it makes it hard to decide. Did you use sandpaper to sand them first ?
