But that is not all - while turning off the water under the house in our crawl space, the pipe coming in was leaking and spraying, waiting to burst! Thank the heavens for plumbers! I Love you! I am not finished yet - we were having lots of rain and we could hear Ker plunk, Ker plunk. Yup the roof was leaking in our newly sheet rocked painted pantry! Thank the Heavens for roofers! New roof need! I Love you! Even though I am grateful for, and love the services provided ~ Boo Hoo ~ I don't love the bill! Now, I know this all terrible but this is why you are not going to feel sorry for me. I am crossing off my bucket list something big. A Mediterranean Cruise! It is a good thing we had been paying on it all year or we wouldn't be going. To tell you the truth, I am nervous to go - with the unrest in Egypt and now the Earthquake in Japan. I feel like I need to pack a bullet proof vest and a life preserver in case of a Tsunami.
Now to the good stuff - Before and Afters
I have some very good friends Jennie and Ashley, a mother and daughter duo! Oh, the stories we have together, but that is for another time! They are so talented and I want to show you the table and chairs they have redone! I Love it - so take a look! If you would like to see more of this talented duo redo's check out their blog.
Jenny and Ashley
Beautiful color
Lot's of Detail
Look at the chair before- I can not believe the work they did!
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