Friday, October 1, 2010


 We are having unseasonable warm weather here in Utah!  I should be thinking Halloween, but it feels like summer!  It is 82 degrees today!  Beautiful, but the weather man says it is about to change to COLD!
So instead of picking pumpkins and spray painting everything black and orange.  I am working on some
summer chairs!  When I first saw them, I said EGAD!!!!  Then I saw past the ugly, and got to work!

 The frame and the fabric had both seen better days!
 So I stripped these babies and gave them a good cleaning.  I sprayed them with a Primer, and then a antique white spray paint!  I had a hard time deciding what fabric to use, but I used my umbrella for inspiration!
 I bought the sun shade fabric from JoAnn's with my 40 % off coupon and spent about $10.00!
 I am not going to get to use them much until next summer - but it will be a treat to pull them out all done!
I LOVE the color and the pattern!
You will have to excuse me now, while I go sit in this chair out on my porch, under my umbrella and enjoy the last sunshine of the season!

PS  I am struggling with blogher!

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