Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sneak Peak of a furniture find!

I am jumping for joy at these finds!

A beautifully ornate headboard...

With an equally awesome long dresser...

Can't forget about a matching tall dresser!

A complete set. PERFECT!

Oh how I am loving the knobs! I see lots of potential in this piece.

Did I mention it also has 2 night stands and a mirror! Yowza, I've got lots to paint. Yipee!

Any suggestions on color. . .
What would you do?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tasty Tuesday: Lemon Cookies

I'm not the biggest fan of lemon treats. Lemon bars, lemon meringue pie, lemon gum drops, and on and on don't really resonate well with me. Now if it's lemon in my diet coke that's another story.

However, these lemon cookies I do love! They are the perfect amount of lemon and oh so soft and moist. Did I mention that they are a piece of cake, or in this case cookie, to make?

 All you do is mix the following ingredients:
1 yellow cake mix
1 stick of butter
1/4 t. vanilla
8 .oz cream cheese

Grab that diet coke with lemon I mentioned and let the dough chill for two hours. 

When done chilling form into 2 inch balls and roll in powdered sugar and bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes.

The softest most delicious lemon cookies you will ever make.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Scraps of Simplicity Boutique

All you Northern Utahns...

From furniture to jewelry to purses to crafts to baby things...You do NOT want to miss the bi-annual Scraps of Simplicity Boutique. 

April 16th 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
1571 S. 1900 W.

I will be there with all the other wonderfully talented vendors. 

Stop by and say hi!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

FRIDAY FAVORITES - TeAsiN! name is Morgan.
(Melanie's daughter)
and I have an addiction.
Isn't admitting it the first step?


I talk about it constantly.
I admire it on others.
I love try out new hair product.

I'm not "
TeAsiN" you,
I own the best comb ever.

The WaaLaa.....
I need a little tease to give my hair extra lift, who doesn't?
Not the bump it kind, just some good body.

My cousin asked me the other day "What did you do to your hair?
It looks different, it looks thicker."

Oh, I love you WaaLaa.
Well worth $20.

I bought mine at Salon Tantrum in Layton and
I know Split
Enz in North Ogden sells them too!



Hi! This is Melanie's daughter, Paige. My mom is currently on an airplane traveling to Rome where her and my dad will be going on a Mediterranean cruise. What a lucky duck!(My big, strong brother is house sitting so don't get any crazy ideas about egging their house or anything. :) She has a few posts scheduled but I've decided to hijack her blog while she is gone and add a little spice of my own. I hope you (or her, hehe) don't mind! To start off here is a little bit about a new site one of my friends introduced me to... 

You know how you browse websites or blogs and you come across a million things you want to come back to "someday" when you have time to do that project or plan that birthday party or paint that piece of furniture? You email the link to yourself or you save it in your favorites then "someday" comes and that link is nowhere to be found?

Frustrating, right? 

I have one word for you: Pinterest

Pinterest is an amazing site where you can store and organize all of those virtual ideas you come across. How it works is as your browsing and you see something you love you simply click "Pin It" on your bookmarks toolbar and it saves a link and a picture on what they call a board. You can categorize the boards however you would like making it easy to store and retrieve those long lost links you've been meaning to go back to.

Have I confused you yet? 

Check out this quick video tutorial and hopefully that will help make it a little more clear.

To get started go to pinterest and sign up and they will send you an invite to your email. It may take a few days but don't fret, it's on it's way! Once you're up and going follow me and Melanie to see what I'm loving . 

Happy Pinning!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"I heart Making!" A Before & After

i {heart} making

Have you checked this blog out?

 Her name is Ali and she is a doll!  She has a new blog that you definitely want to check out.

Here is her thrift store find for $10.00!  It is a record player with an awesome transformation. 





Isn't it cute. . .  I think so!  

In fact, I thought it was so cute I bought one similar to this at the same thrift store she bought hers. Thanks Ali!

My hubby said what in the world are you going to do with this - when he had to haul it to the storage unit - So I showed him and he said, "Nice."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tasty Tuesday: Goulash

I love Goulash heart T-Shirt shirt

An Easy Peasy Recipe that is so delicious and so easy!  This T-shirt tells you what I think of Goulash!
What you need:
1 pound of hamburger
1 10.75 oz. can of tomato soup
1 8 oz. can of tomato sauce
1 14.5 can of diced tomatoes
1 cup of elbow macaroni

Cook the macaroni, drain and set a side.
Cook the hamburger, drain.  Add the tomato soup, tomato sauce and the diced tomatoes undrained.
Season with salt and pepper or onion salt. can cook onion with the hamburger
Simmer for 10 minutes.
Add the noodles and serve!

This is my go to meal when I am in a hurry. It is quick and I always have the ingredients on hand!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How to boil a perfect egg...

With Easter just around the corner, April 24th to be exact, there will be oodles of eggs being boiled!

This is how I make perfect egg:

1. Place eggs in the saucepan, it does not matter if it is 2 or 12 eggs, this way works. Just cover them with cold water, not too deep. Do NOT salt the water. Place on burner on HIGH heat.

2. Place on burner on HIGH heat. Once they start to boil turn on the timer to 3 minutes.

3. When the timer goes off, quickly take off the heat, put on the lid and reset the timer to 26 minutes.

4. When 26 minutes are up, take to sink and run cold water over them for about a minute, let them soak a bit to cool off. They will peel best if you set them in the refrigerator for about 1/2 to 1 hour, but you can eat them now!

5.  Never have gray yolks again!

How do you boil a perfect egg?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Topiary and Spray paint

My daughter Erin had a Birthday and we went to her house to celebrate!
On her table was this Spring Topiary she had made, she copied the idea from

the Topiary!

This is what I started with - a pot that was almost thrown away!
at Christmas time, my daughter Paige and  her hubby bought amaryllis bulbs for their grandparents.
They came in these pots.
They put the amaryllis bulb in a glass jar with rocks.
So these pots were headed to the garbage.
I intercepted just in time, whew I am glad I did!

 Then I bought Styrofoam balls

 And gathered twigs

 Flowers from JoAnns

 Spray painted the pots

 Used Target sacks as filler

A little bit of this - whats it called - stuff.

 I cut the flowers off the stems, and glued them to the Styrofoam balls

 It took a lot of flowers - 4 bunches for one!  I thought it would do two topiarys

 Stuck the twigs into the ball and glued them tight.  Stuck them into the pot, glued some more & covered with grass!   I also gave the topiary a friend, the cute little bird.

It was given a new look too! I heart spray paint!

Ready for Spring
are you. . .

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Before & After: Black table!

 I love it when I enter the thrift store and I don't have to hunt for a treasure, it is out in the open and waiting to be bought and brought back to life!  I spotted this table and loved the design.  It was in pretty good shape too. 

It needed a little cleaning, filled a few dings and dents, and a light sanding.

It was quick and easy to paint,  and I think the results are Great.

I love the shape!

The base is shapely.

The top, umm Love!

I feel sorry, that someone gave it away thinking it was no good any more!


linked to a party going on here:
House of Hepworths

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Before and After Turquoise twin bed

This twin bed was headed to the dumpster. . .
the owner thought it was trash.
I knew better!

upside down before picture. . .
notice what it is leaning against & the knobs on the ground. . .
they belong to the
I have been working on,
way to

A little bit of my favorite paint, could give this bed a new life!

Isn't she cute!

Step 1 - tighten all bolts, and make it sturdy
Step 2 - wipe it off with soap & water - I don't bring anything in the house until I do this -  bed bugs destroyed, ewwww
Step 3 - fill holes with Elmer's wood putty
I use natural
Step 4 - Lightly sand with a sand block
Step 5 - use a dry paint brush to clean out the crevices and then wipe the whole thing with a tack cloth
Step 6- Paint - I turn things upside down and paint the bottom first!
On this I used Color Place Cozumel Flat latex paint from Walmart
Step 7- I go over the whole painted piece with a fine sand block
It cleans off any drips and this is what will give your finished piece a polished smooth finish
Step 8 - slightly distress with sand paper
I used 220 very fine grade,  I cut it into a square and wrapped it around a sand block
Step 9 - repeat step 5
Step 10 - Let dry overnight
The paint will cure and when you put the stain on it, it won't be sticky
Step 11 - Stain- wipe on in small sections and wipe off with a clean ragI used Jacobean minwax
Step 12 - Stand back and enjoy!
linked to:
Primitive and Proper

Monday, March 14, 2011

Thank You Thank You Thank You!

My Oh My, this site featured my reupholstered chair. 

 I feel privileged to be featured with others who are clearly better at this than I am.  I loved doing it and found out the hardest part was pulling out 10 billion staples.  I definitely worked my arm muscles!  I have a couple of chairs stashed  away and now I want to reupholster them.  

Oh, if only I could clone myself. 

My chair is # 6 and you can see my post here.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring has sprung

If is isn't bolted down,
it gets painted!
my father-in-law says

This big red pot isn't red anymore.
I took the left over Valspar sparkling lake paint
I used on the Hall tree
and painted it!


I bought the flowers from JoAnns at 50% off,
and Voila
I am ready for Spring!


I love this new blog
Favorite Paint Colors

I use blog land for my paint colors.
When I see a color I like on a blog, I think i will remember it.
I don't.
And then I spend to much time trying to find it.
As Kristin puts it, this blog is a directory of paint from real people around  blog land!
Yahoo, great idea!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Missing in Action and a spotlight!

I have been MIA!  You are going to feel Sorry for me, but only for a minute.  My computer had a virus, and so I used my hubby's, gave it a virus too!  It was probably a good thing they were out of commission because I didn't have time to blog, or even check my favorite blogs.  Our sewer pipe backed up. This I hear is a common thing, but it had never happened to us.  We caught it early so there was no damage, just no water for a day and a half.  I never have appreciated the use of a toilet so much as I do now! Thank the heavens for company's like rotor rooter! I Love you! First they tried to snake it, we are so far from the road,  it didn't work. They had to bring in the big guns,a water pressure hose. 
But that is not all - while turning off the water under the house in our crawl space, the pipe coming in was leaking and spraying, waiting to burst!  Thank the heavens for plumbers!  I Love you! I am not finished yet - we were having lots of rain and we could hear Ker plunk, Ker plunk.  Yup the roof was leaking in our newly sheet rocked painted pantry!  Thank the Heavens for roofers! New roof need!  I Love you!  Even though I am grateful for, and love the services provided ~ Boo Hoo ~  I don't love the bill!  Now, I know this all terrible but this is why you are not going to feel sorry for me.  I am crossing off my bucket list something big.  A Mediterranean Cruise! It is a good thing we had been paying on it all year or we wouldn't be going. To tell you the truth, I am nervous to go - with the unrest in Egypt and now the Earthquake in Japan. I feel like I need to pack a bullet proof vest and a  life preserver in case of a Tsunami.

Now to the good stuff -  Before and Afters

I have some very good friends Jennie and Ashley, a mother and daughter duo!  Oh, the stories we have together, but that is for another time!  They are so talented and I want to show you the table and chairs they have redone!  I Love it - so take a look!  If you would like to see more of this talented duo redo's check out their blog.
Jenny and Ashley

Beautiful color

Lot's of Detail


Look at the chair before- I can not believe the work they did!

What a difference!  Good job Jenny and Ashley!  I love every single thing you do!